Join us the weekend of Jul 29 and 30th at Eau Claire Market for West Coast’s largest pet festival! It’s free and pet-friendly! We’ll have some freebies for two- and four-footed animals as well as items for sale. Click the link …
Join us the weekend of Jul 29 and 30th at Eau Claire Market for West Coast’s largest pet festival! It’s free and pet-friendly! We’ll have some freebies for two- and four-footed animals as well as items for sale. Click the link …
!!! Taylor – Adopted September 2015 !!! Taylor was fostered by Julia for many months during which she tirelessly worked with him to make him a well-behaved social dog. He has finally found his forever home with Laura. We look forward to seeing …
26 May 2015 Update: Maya is a Foster Failure! 🙂 WAC Rescue would like to extend best wishes to Maya’s new owner. Maya is a 6 years old female (spayed) Weim that is in perfect health. She walks best with …
SNOOPY is a foster failure! 🙂 Snoopy is one of two Weims that we rescued from a shelter in Dec 2014. He’s been with a foster family since we rescued him. He was a stray at a shelter in Morden, …
SNOOPY HAS BEEN ADOPTED! (Western Provinces) Updated 09 May 2015 Read More »
Congratulations to Brigitte and all the volunteers who helped in this endeavour to raise awareness for Weimaraner Rescue. Our tireless QC Coordinator has done it again. She led a great group of volunteers in Montreal’s St Patrick’s Day Parade held yesterday …
Spring Fund-Raiser ends April 9, 2015. Hello fellow WAC members and Weim enthusiasts, WAC Rescue’s funds have been depleted and we are asking for your help. WAC Rescue is a 100% volunteer-driven effort which relies on the support of you …
Bella was officially adopted by her foster family in April 2015 and she is doing great. 🙂 We apologize for being so late in getting this news out. Bella’s history: WAC Rescue learned of Bella’s plight through the caring people …
Congratulations to Diesel on finding his forever family! Isn’t he a cutie, waiting so nicely. Diesel’s new family includes a dog, a cat and three boys. His new family plans to do some agility work with him which his foster thinks …
After being fostered for a couple of weeks by Karine Verville, Gatsby has finally gone to his forever home. We wish you all the best Gatsby and hope to see some pictures of you very soon. A huge thank you …
Thank you to everyone who supported WAC Rescue by ordering some Molly Weim chocolate. Your orders should be arriving soon – enjoy! Support Weim Rescue by combining your Weim addiction with chocolate…Molly Weim chocolate! Order by the end of …